PDF Program is attached at the bottom of this page!
Washington College Chemistry Teachers’ Association
30th Annual Conference
October 5th-7th, 2023
Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort in Leavenworth, Washington
The Chemistry faculty at Seattle Central College and South Seattle College welcome you all to register and submit abstracts for presentations, workshops, discussions, roundtables, etc., as well as additional suggestions for this year’s conference.
This year’s theme will be “This is Your Brain on Chemistry.” (Those who don’t get the reference can view the following: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FtNm9CgA6U.)
Register for the Conference: https://forms.gle/od5vJYzoSmf4KiYg6
Conference Highlights
Opening Keynote Address by Amber Wise, Ph.D, Scientific Director at Medicine Creek Analytics. In addition to running a premier cannabis testing lab, Dr. Wise is the Programming Committee Chair for the ACS Cannabis Chemistry Subdivision. Dr. Wise’s research focuses on analyzing heavy metal contamination in cannabis vaporizer aerosols.
Evening Keynote Address by Lo Friesen, Founder and CEO at Heylo Cannabis. Heylo produces premium cannabis products using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and distillation techniques. Known as an industry leader in transparency and education, Heylo specializes in producing high-terpene, CBD-rich, and rare cannabinoid vaporization and topical products.
Presentations, workshops, panels, discussions, roundtables, happy hour, etc.
Call for Submissions
Please share your ideas, insights, and/or best practices with colleagues by submitting an abstract for a presentation, workshop, panel, roundtable, and/or discussion, etc. Workshops, panels, discussions, and roundtables will be 50 minutes long while presentations may be 10, 25, or 50 minutes long. We will try to group related 10-minute lightning presentations into 50-minute blocks.
Link to submit proposals and abstracts electronically: https://bit.ly/43CC6j7
Submissions due date: August 10th, 2023
If you have colleagues who are not on the WCCTA email list, please share this announcement with them. We look forward to seeing you there!
And if you have questions please contact Marie Villarba, Seattle Central College (Marie.Villarba@SeattleColleges.edu) or Jessica Pikul, South Seattle College (Jessica.Pikul@SeattleColleges.edu)