Washington College Chemistry Teachers Association
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors will consist of up to ten (10) members proportionately representing community colleges and baccalaureate colleges or universities.
The board of directors will consist of the following four (4) positions:
(1) Immediate Past Officers (3) whose duties will be to provide leadership for the organization and insure that current officers and officers elect are in place for planning the annual conference.
(2) Current Officers (3)-whose duties will be to preside over the WCCTA annual meeting and help the officers elect in assuring consistent planning and organization of the annual conference.
(3) Officers Elect (3)-are responsible for organization, arrangements and operation of the annual conference.
- Officers Elect will consist of a President, Vice President and Secretary.
- Officers Elect will keep their designated positions when they move up to officer positions.
- Officers Elect will be elected at the annual conference by the vote of the members present.
- The Officers Elect shall audit the Treasurer’s books at the annual conference shortly after being elected.
(4) Treasurer (1)-will be responsible for keeping fund accounts and State reports.
- This position will be for a term of four (4) years.
- The Treasurer will be elected every four (4) years at the annual meeting by the members present. The treasurer may succeed himself/herself if elected and may serve in any of the other board positions while treasurer.
- The Officers Elect shall audit the Treasurer’s books at the annual conference soon after being elected.
- The initial appointment of the Board of Directors was determined by members in attendance at the first conference of the Association on November 7, 1992, at Port Ludlow, Washington.
(1) Annual dues of $125 for member institutions or other assessments shall be for amounts fixed by the Board of Directors.
(2) No institution shall be barred from membership because of inability to pay dues or other assessments.
(3) The Association will hold an annual conference with the date and place to be determined by the Officers Elect.
Updated and Posted December 8, 2010